Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2 years since my last post.....

Hi friends 2 years since my last post... thanks lokesh for reminding me...

Here is the update from my end i have bought this smartphone Samsung Galaxy S2 and i am exploring the options available to use it..... Its totally cool... i love this gadget... Will keep blogging henceforth atleast not with a 2 years gap between each blog :P

Monday, June 29, 2009

Whats happening with me???

"Whats happening with me???"

this is one question that keeps popping in my mind every now and then....

i live most of my life worrying about this question.

"Actually does that make any sense... or am i thinking non-sense???"

When such a question creeps in your mind u keep searching for an answer.... even i went to the extent of find the answer in GOOGLE...(most of my questions were answered from the very first time i started using it)

"I am a normal human with all emotions stuffed inside me... I wish i could always do what i really wanted to do... But the main problem is my mind wont be stable at any point of time ( it takes some courage to accept the fact about oneself )

"Now that i have decided that i should not worry for anything... why worry and waste the precious "present" - a gift given by GOD....
The verses of Bhagwat Gita resounds in my mind why i feel too much depressed.... it really brings me out of depression....

The lines pen down after this sentence are not really advice its out of my experience from life

"Friends if you are not happy in your life ask a question to yourself "What would really make me happy???"... you will end up with an answer for sure... Set that as your GOAL for life...
Goahead in that direction of GOAL which would really make you happy.... you might encounter with some obstacles never giveup... keep running towards it, if you are not able to run walk towards it, if you cant walk then crawl towards it....All than matters that you are progressing towards your goal... but never, never, never.... give up.....

"Finally when u reach your GOAL you will be in "The Happiest Moment of your LIFE" trust me thats the real time you will feel that you have achieved in your life...."


Thursday, May 28, 2009

A night at pune highway

I was on my way to the pune airport on 30th april 2009. Somewhere around 11.30 this happened.

Luckily i was wearing a set belt since i made it an habit... so my life was spared unlike the driver who ended up with his fate cos of not wearing seat belt.

so how did this happen???

"We (driver & me) were drinving towards pune. The road was a pukka toll road with concrete deviator and two lanes on either side.... a lorry which came in wrong direction drove over the car, leaving no space to escape the event. Some good hearted people pulled us from the car and dumped me n driver into an auto"

Episode of thanking auto driver and his response:
" i sensed the situation with my white handky turned right and bleeding all over my face... so managed to say thank you to the auto driver.. here i received shock number 1 auto driver said... I DONT WANT THANKS I NEED MONEY I AM A POOR FELLOW "

Episode at D.Y. Patel hospital pune:
"We were taken to the hospital on the way i managed to make some calls to my friends... within 5 minutes my friends came for my rescue.... in that emergency room before my friends could arrive... i managed to say i work for so & so company... then at that point i received shock number 2.... Doctors said....THIS GUY IS AFFORDABLE TREAT HIM LET US WAIT FOR THE PAYMENT FOR THE DRIVER"

"shock number 3 after my friends paid for the treatment...DRIVER WAS ANNOUNCED DEAD"
Since then one question keeps popping in my head.... "Is a money that precious than a human life???"
Episodes keep continuing till date.... and i am still recovering.... hope by sep2009 i shld be fully recovered....


Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Law of the Garbage Truck

One day I hopped into a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So I asked, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call "The Law of the Garbage Truck." He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you.

Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street. The bottom line is that successful people don't let garbage trucks take over their day.

Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so…

"Love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't."

Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it! Good Day


Friday, December 12, 2008

I VOTE NOBODY (49-0) !!!

Did you know that there is a system in our constitution, as per the 1969 act, in section " 49-O" that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey the presiding election officer that he doesn't want to vote anyone!

Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these leaders have never disclosed it. This is called "49-O".

Why should you go and say " I VOTE NOBODY"... because, in a ward, if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that particular ward has received "49-O" votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them.

This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way; of our whole political system.... it is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public....

Please spread this news to as many as you know...
Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India ... show your power, expressing your desire not to vote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting... so don't miss your chance. So either vote, or vote not to vote (vote 49-O) and pass this info on...

Use your voting right for a better INDIA



Has Alhamdulillah Announced good news!!The hospital has announced that it's going to help Insha Allah, in the treatment of patients withheart diseases.......

The Complete treatment including the Operation, Transport & Accommodation .....

The hospital will also assist patients who live outside the country, to obtain the visa or Entrance Permit,to get theit inside the country

So please if you know any person,living inside or outside Saudi Arabia (maximum-60 years of age), in need for any heart disease treatment and cannot afford the treatment expenses.....
Press 3
If you hear the automated voice
Direct numbers

Medical reports of the case and a copy of the passport
can be faxed , in attention to
Miss/Dina, on fax number

The information regarding the Free heart disease treatment, in SAAD SPECIALIST HOSPITAL , is 100% TRUE ! It has been confirmed! So please do announce this information to as many people as you can & do not hesitate to forward this message via e-mail or sms !! for you might Save a life & hence get the reward of saving many lives !
And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.
Sharing is truly caring....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Life is about correcting mistakes!

Priya married Hitesh this day. At the end of the wedding party,

Priya's mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook.

With Rs.1000 deposit amount.

Mother: 'Priya, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage life. When there's something happy and memorable happened in your new life, put some money in. Write down what it's about next to the line. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I've done the first one for you today. Do the others with Hitesh.When you look back after years, you can know how much happiness you've had.'

Priya shared this with Hitesh when getting home. They both thought it was a great idea and were anxious to know when the second deposit can be made.

This was what they did after certain time:

- 7 Feb: Rs.100, first birthday celebration for Hitesh after marriage

- 1 Mar: Rs.300, salary raise for Priya

- 20 Mar: Rs.200, vacation trip to Bali

- 15 Apr: Rs.2000, Priya got pregnant

- 1 Jun: Rs.1000, Hitesh got promoted ..... and so on...

However, after years, they started fighting and arguing for trivial things. They didn't talk much. They regretted that they had married the most nasty people in the world.... no more love...Kind of typical nowadays, huh?

One day Priya talked to her Mother:

'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We agree to divorce. I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!!!'

Mother: 'Sure, girl, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want if you really can't stand it. But before that, do one thing first. Remember the saving passbook I gave you on your wedding day? Take out all money and spend it first. You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor marriage.'

Priya thought it was true. So she went to the bank, waiting at the queue and planning to cancel the account.

While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joy and happiness just came up her mind. Her eyes were then filled with tears. She left and went home.

When she was home, she handed the passbook to Hitesh, asked him to spend the money before getting divorce.

The next day, Hitesh gave the passbook back to Priya. She found a new deposit of Rs.5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I notice how much I've loved you thru out all these years. How much happiness you've brought me.'

They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back to the safe.

Do you know how much money they had saved when they retired? I did not ask. I believe the money did not matter any more after they had gone thru all the good years in their life.

"When you fall, in any way,

Don't see the place where you fell, Instead see the place from where you


Life is about correcting mistakes!